For Parents: It’s Not Easy Deciding About the Shot for Your Kids

As a parent, it can be hard to know what’s right for the health and well-being of your children.
The decision of whether or not to vaccinate your children for COVID-19 may be one of the most important choices you ever make. Every family deserves the right to make their own determination of what's right for their children.
Click the links below for information about COVID-19 vaccine safety, legal requirements, natural treatments, natural immunity, and more which may be helpful as you weigh your options. If you want to share the information with others, you can download printable flyers here.

Footnote: A Logical Question
Since the safety and necessity of COVID vaccines for children is still clearly in question, why is there is so much pressure from public authorities to COVID vaccinate children? This is a logical question.
There are many opinions on this. Some refer to the highly lucrative nature of the vaccine industry. However, this subject is outside the scope of this website.
If this is an area of interest for you, we suggest you include in your research a diversity of sources beyond U.S. popular media, including alternative media from around the globe.